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First workshop on In Vivo Biosensing held at MSKCC, New York, co-hosted by NEL, the Heller lab, and the IVB Network

In Vivo biosensing is a growing field in which researchers focus on developing implantable or injectable devices that monitor the levels of critical health biomarkers over time. This continuous monitoring can open up new approaches to treatment and management of complex diseases - just look at what continuous glucose monitoring has done for the management of diabetes! However, there is currently no dedicated conference where researchers can come together and discuss the unique challenges that face our field. To address this, Monash University funded the IVB Network to run a meeting at a central location (for most....!) for the key people in the field.

Many thanks to the IVB Network: Daniel Heller - MSKCC, Heather Clark - Northeastern University, Rein Ulijn - CUNY/ASRC, Anand Jagota - Lehigh University, Ashley Buckle and Toby Bell - Monash University and our guests: Michael Cima - MIT, Michael Strano - MIT, Josh Murdoch - MIT, Netz Arroyo - Johns Hopkins, Nicole Iverson - University of Nebraska, Sebastien Blais-Ouellette and Emilie Beaulieu-Ouellet - Photon Etc, Montreal, Yoona Yang and Arjun Sharma (representing Prof Jagota). We look forward to the next instalment which is currently in the planning stages...